May 31, 2022 6:11:00 PM | Sell Your Products Shoplazza | Use Facebook Live To Increase Your Sales!

Using Facebook Live to help your business increase sale by reaching new audiences.

Estimated time to read: 5 minutes.



Online videos are a real marketing asset for businesses. After watching a video, approximately 75% of users visit the website of the company in question. This not only increases your website traffic but also increases your sales. Using Facebook Live can therefore help a business increase sale by reaching new audiences.

Table of content:

  • Facebook live
  • Facebook Live: the advantages
  • How to use Facebook Live for your content marketing?
  • Customize a live broadcast
  • Integrate your image for your live
  • Tap on the "Live Stream" button
  • Interact with spectators
  • Click on "Finish" to end Facebook Live

Facebook live

The enthusiasm for Facebook Live has won over marketers, who see this platform as the ideal medium for communicating their brand story and building relationships that are as authentic as they are intimate with their fans and subscribers.

Real-time videos create interaction between a business and its audience. It's a great way to promote a particular event, like the release of a new product or the opening of a new store. It is also an opportunity to engage in discussion and answer questions from Internet users. Thus, you show your availability and your interest in your prospects and collect information on their expectations and their needs. It is a win-win approach.

Facebook Live is now favored by the Facebook algorithm. This gives the content more chance to be viewed, especially since the platform sends a notification to your community every time you go live, which is not the case with a regular video.

Integrating Facebook live feeds into your content strategy also allows you to measure the real-time engagement of your audience. By noting their reactions, comments or even their shares, you can adapt your next videos to better meet their expectations.

Facebook Live: the advantages

  • Offer unique content
  • Obtain excellent value for money
  • Allow to create enthusiasm around a product launch
  • Have a better interaction with your audience
  • Allows more traffic to your Facebook page
  • Allows you to see the live interaction


How to use Facebook Live for your content marketing?

In marketing and social media, live video provides authentic, unfiltered images that integrate very well with customers and users, while building their trust. In any of the following cases, you can produce different video content with Facebook Live that will allow you to leverage those live and authentic videos for your inbound marketing strategy.

A video to directly address the needs of your personas. You are best able to know your buyer persona, your customers, and their possible problems. Live videos are a great way to illustrate facts visually and communicate with ease.

To be used for the Awareness Stage to thematize the challenges of your personas. This new format and targeted content will give you more reach.

Write a description

You can write a description for your Facebook video. It will appear on your audience's News Feed as a status update, below the video itself.

To get your audience to watch your video, write a catchy headline and explain what you plan to talk about. You can also add filters using the “magic wand” available next to “Start Live Video”.

Customize a live broadcast

Facebook Live is a very powerful marketing lever for brands in all industries. Service, retail or online, any business can get started with minimal investment: a phone, a tripod, and a few free apps are all it takes to give your live video a real boost.


Like TV shows or news broadcasts, you can add a banner that gives context to your live, as well as your logo. You can also add promotional information like the price or the name of your shoplzza store.

Integrate your image for your live

There are several options here.

Some are more technical, but also very powerful and have many options, like with OBS from a computer. Others can use native Facebook functions directly through Facebook Frame Studios. Finally, you can also use a third-party application like Switched Studio for iOS.

Once Switcher Go is installed on your iPhone (or iPad), you can connect the application to your Facebook account, then prepare the details of your live: title, description, privacy settings, etc.


The app is easy to use and that's where you'll be doing your live action, not the usual Facebook app. It also offers many very useful options to refine your broadcast with sharpness settings for example. To show your banner on the screen, just tap on the star at the bottom left of the screen to display the advanced options, including image integration that must be added with the “Lower Third” option.

Tap on the "Live Stream" button

“Starting live streaming” flashes 5 times to give you time to prepare and voila, you are live! As soon as your broadcast begins, your Facebook live will appear in your news feed and that of your friends, just like any other publication.

Keep in mind that the longer your video, the more likely people who view their feed on Facebook are to see it.

Interact with spectators

To keep your viewers engaged, encourage them to engage with your Facebook Live (which will also improve your visibility, as you'll appear in more feeds). You can also interact by addressing them directly in your video and, if you wish, having someone else respond to comments from a desktop computer.

Where can I see the comments? When you stream a video, you can see the elapsed time and number of viewers at the top of the screen, while the commentary is displayed live at the bottom of the screen. Since they appear in reverse chronological order, like on Twitter, remember that the very first ones are further down.

Click on "Finish" to end Facebook Live

Once complete, your live stream will remain on your log or page like any other video post.

Breathe and relax It's in the box! Your video is always available on your newspaper or your page where you will be able to modify its description and its privacy settings or even delete it, as you could with any other publication.

In the Pages Manager, you will also be able to add a title, tags and change the presentation image of the live video.


Stay tuned with SHOPLAZZA blog!

Written By: Yorly

Read articles written by Yorly and learn the essentials about developing eCommerce businesses on Shoplazza.