May 4, 2022 9:41:00 AM | Sell Your Products Shoplazza | Writing the Perfect IG Bio to Attract Followers!

Learn what is an Instagram biography, why you should optimize your Instagram bio and what should be included in it.

Estimated time to read: 7 minutes.


The biography is a vital part of your Instagram profile. It will help a user to become a follower of your account, so it needs special care. Here are the tips on how to have an effective and compelling Instagram biography.

Table of content:

  • What is an Instagram biography?
  • Why you should optimize your Instagram bio?
    • Professionalize your Instagram account
    • Develop your brand branding
    • Better convert
    • Make it easier to get in touch with your business
    • Generate more views on your branded content.
  • What's included in your Instagram profile biography
    • Name
    • Username
    • Website
    • Category
    • Contact information
    • Call-to-action buttons
    • Verified Badge
    • Link in Instagram bio
    • Use Instagram stories highlights (in the spotlight)
    • Use the contact link in your Instagram bio
    • Biography
  • Conclusion

What is an Instagram biography?

An Instagram bio is the small area under your username that lets you describe yourself or what you do in just a few characters. You can include text, emojis, hashtags or links. So, the main goal of an Instagram bio is to convince people that your content is interesting enough to follow you in the future. What should your Instagram bio look like to make your profile interesting? There is no general answer to this question BUT there are things you absolutely must write in your Instagram description for it to be successful ...

For a user to decide to follow you, you need to present them with a few reasons. Some of these reasons can be included in your bio and can really change the outcome of that first contact.


Why you should optimize your Instagram bio?

It's a fact: your Instagram bio is a key part of your social media strategy.

Taking care of your bio is ...

  • Professionalize your Instagram account. As a brand, having an attractive and well-constructed bio is a strong sign of your professionalism, which gives credibility to your activity.
  • Develop your brand branding. With these few lines, you allow visitors to your profile to quickly know who you are and what you are doing.
  • Better convert. Yes: your Instagram bio is the only place on social media, apart from Direct Messages, where you can embed a clickable link!
  • Make it easier to get in touch with your business. By including in your bio a link to your website, a phone number, or an email where to contact you, you give your targets the opportunity to interact directly with you.
  • Generate more views on your branded content. In this article, you'll see that you can use Featured Stories to empower your targets to consume more of your great content.

What's included in your Instagram profile biography

Before you start thinking about what to write, you need to understand the different elements that make up your profile.


When you introduce yourself, it makes sense to start by stating your name. Include your real brand name, of course, but don't necessarily stop there.

The name and username fields are the only parts of your profile that stand out in Instagram searches. This means that you can also add a variation or an abbreviation of your name, if you think that's a term people are likely to use to search for you. Additionally, you can include a keyword that can potentially help users discover your account. You can include up to 30 characters.


This is your identity on Instagram. It's your @ username, and it's part of your profile URL ( Use a similar nickname on all your social networks so that people can find you easily.


On Instagram, this is the only place where you can post a clickable link.

You can change the URL as often as you like. It may be a good idea to include a link to your most recent or most important content (for example, your last blog post or your last video), a special campaign, or a landing page designed specifically for visitors from Instagram.


If you have a business profile on Instagram, you can choose which category your business belongs to. This mention appears under your name and can give a quick overview of what you are doing.

Assigning a category to your business can free up space in your Instagram bio, since you won't have to repeat this information. However, it only appears in the mobile version; also, not everyone will necessarily see it.

Contact information

Business profiles can include contact buttons that allow users to call you, email you, or get directions to your business, directly from Instagram. When you add your address to your professional Instagram profile, it appears below your bio, without reducing the number of characters allowed in your bio. So, this is another great way to free up space to present more impactful information.

Call-to-action buttons

You can encourage your visitors to take various actions directly from your Instagram bio with call-to-action buttons. For example, these can allow your subscribers to reserve a table in your restaurant or buy tickets for your event.

Verified Badge

This little blue mark is incredibly valuable because it guarantees visitors that they have found your official Instagram account

Link in Instagram bio

Instagram only allows you to insert one clickable link, which appears at the bottom of your bio. This is one of Instagram's most well-known problems.

We recommend that you work around this by using software that allows you to add multiple links to your Instagram bio.

Use Instagram stories highlights (in the spotlight)

You already use Instagram stories to communicate with your followers. But you can go further with Instagram stories highlights. With this Instagram update, your stories will last longer than 24 hours. This feature will help you increase your conversions right from your bio.

In addition, with the option to create different folders / themes, you can keep your stories more organized, and your followers can see everything in the folder they are interested in.

        Instagram stories

Use the contact link in your Instagram bio

This feature is very popular with professional Instagram accounts. Indeed, if you manage a lot of traffic on your Instagram profile, your DMs can be quickly overloaded, and it becomes essential to direct the users who want to contact you in the best way.


Finally, there is the biography itself. It gives you just 150 characters to explain who you are and what you do. It is essential that it conveys the unique personality of your brand and that it shows your audience that they are not in the wrong place.

With so little text available, that's a lot to ask. You will need to resort to particularly creative solutions to make your bio stand out from the rest.


Your Instagram bio allows you to introduce yourself to your new followers. A boring bio won't make them want to hit the follow button, even if you have some great photos in your feed. So, follow these writing tips for your Instagram bio, now you have all the keys to creating a bio that showcases the best of your brand and inspires your visitors to like, follow and even buy, in just 150 characters or more. less.


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Written By: Yorly

Read articles written by Yorly and learn the essentials about developing eCommerce businesses on Shoplazza.