Last updated on: December 25, 2023 

1. Introduction

Thanks for visiting Shoplazza! Shoplazza (“Shoplazza”, “we”, “us” or “our”) respects your privacy. In order to provide our optimized services, we collect and use information about you, our

  • - merchants using Shoplazza to power your business
  • - customers who shop at a Shoplazza-powered business
  • - partners who develop apps for merchants to use, build stores on behalf of merchants, refer potential entrepreneurs to Shoplazza, or otherwise help merchants operate or improve their Shoplazza-powered business
  • - users of Shoplazza apps
  • - visitors to Shoplazza’s websites, or anyone contacting Shoplazza support

This Privacy Policy will help you better understand how we collect, use, and share your personal information. If we change our privacy practices, we may update this privacy policy. If any changes are significant, we will let you know (for example, through the Shoplazza admin or by email).


Depending on your billing address location, the entity responsible for the handing of your personal information is:

  1. (a) if your billing address is located in the United States, or Canada or EU (European Union member states), the entity responsible for your personal information is Shoplazza Corp.,
  2. (b) If your billing address is located in the Asia Pacific Region (including Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Singapore), Middle East, Africa and other regions not mentioned here, the entity responsible for your personal information is Shoplazza Hongkong Limited.

By using any of Shoplazza Services, or by dealing with a merchant using Shoplazza Services, you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and, as applicable, the Shoplazza Terms of Service.

We generally process your information when we need to do so to fulfill a contractual obligation (for example, to process your subscription payments to use the Shoplazza platform), or where we or someone we work with needs to use your personal information for a reason related to their business (for example, to provide you with a service).

​We may process your personal information where you have provided your consent. In particular, where we cannot rely on an alternative legal basis for processing, where your data is sourced and it already comes with consent or where we are required by law to ask for your consent in the context of some of our sales and marketing activities. At any time, you have a right to withdraw your consent by changing your communication choices, opting out from our communications or by contacting us.

We believe you should be able to access and control your personal information no matter where you live. Depending on how you use our service, you may have the right to request access to, correct, amend, delete, port to another service provider, restrict, or object to certain uses of your personal information (for example, direct marketing) by contacting us. We will not charge you more or provide you with a different level of service if you exercise any of these rights.

If you buy something from a Shoplazza-powered store and wish to exercise these rights over information about your purchase, you need to directly contact the merchant you interacted with. We are only a processor on their behalf, and cannot decide how to process their information. We will of course help our merchants to fulfill these requests by giving them the tools to do so and by answering their questions.

If you are a merchant, partner, Shoplazza employee, or other individual that Shoplazza has a direct relationship with, please submit your data subject request through our online portal. Please note that if you send us a request relating to your personal information, we have to make sure that it is you before we can respond. In order to do so, we may use a third party to collect and verify identification documents.

If you are not happy with our response to a request, you can contact us to resolve the issue. You also have the right to contact your local data protection or privacy authority at any time. For information about how we respond to a request, please refer to our guideline of Processing Data Requests.

Finally, because there is no common understanding about what a “Do Not Track” signal is supposed to mean, we don’t respond to those signals in any particular way.

2. Information from merchants

If you are a merchant using Shoplazza to power your business, we collect and use your personal information to provide you with the use of our platform and its services, and generally to help you better manage your business and your relationship with your customers. We may also use third party service providers to help us review accounts for fraud or other concerns.

What information we collect about you and why

  • We collect personal information when you sign up for Shoplazza, when you use our platform, when you use our customer service, or when you otherwise provide us information. In general we need this information for you to be able to use our platform.

What we collect

               How we use it

Information you provide us about you and your business, like your name, the name of your staff or other individuals associated with your business, company name, address, email address, and phone number,wechat number.

  • • To provide you with the use of our platform and other related services (e.g., to confirm your identity, to contact you about issues with the platform, to invoice you)
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • • To comply with legal requirements
  • • To prevent fraudulent use of our services
  • • To provide you with the use of our cusomter service
  • • To conduct internal analysis


Payment information you provide us, such as

  1. • Visa, Master and other international credit card
  2. • UnionPay credit card and debit card
  3. • Paypal account
  4. • Alipay account
  5. • Bank account number or other financial information
  • • To provide you with the use of our platform and other related services
  • • To charge for our services
  • • To provide you access to third-party payment service 

Information about how you access Shoplazza websites, your account, and our platform, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, and details about how you browse our websites and platform. We collect some of this information by using “cookies” or other similar technologies directly from your device. 

  • • To provide you use of, and to improve, our platform and other related services (e.g., identifying ways to make our platform easier to use or navigate)
  • • To personalize the platform for you (e.g., by showing you apps in our app store that we believe may be useful to you)
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • • To prevent fraudulent use of our services

If you use Shoplazza Payments (Shoplazza Payments (HK) Terms and Conditions, Shoplazza Payments (CA) Terms and Conditions), we collect more specific information you provide us about your business, including your business address, business type, business ID number, bank account information, date of birth (if you are an individual business owner), and in some circumstances, government-issued identification (such as your Social Security Number, Social Information Number, Employer Identification Number, or Tax Identification Number).

  • • To create (or to assess whether to creat) and manage your Shoplazza Payments account
  • • To provide you with the Shoplazza Payments services
  • • To conduct fraud and risk monitoring
  • To comply with legal requirements (such as “know your customer”, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism and sanction laws)
  • • To provide tax documentation

If you participate Fast Onboarding Program which a separate agreement will be entered, we collect more specific information you provide us about your business, including your business address, business type, business ID number, bank account information, date of birth (if you are an individual business owner), and in some circumstances, government-issued identification (such as your Social Security Number, Social Information Number, Employer Identification Number or Tax Identification Number) on behalf of our payment partners.

  • • To determine if you are eligible for specific payment methods
  • • To help you create your Payments account with third party service providers (such as Payoneer)
  • • To conduct fraud and risk monitoring
  • • To comply with legal requirements (such as “know your customer”, anti-money laundering, or anti-terrorism laws)

Copies of government-issued and/or a picture of yourself holding your identification that you provide us(such as your business ID Number, Social Security Number, Social Information Number, Employer Identification Number or Tax Identification Number, your personal ID Number if you are an individual business owner).

  • • If we need to verify your identity (e.g., to protect you against identity theft or fraud)
  • • To verify that we are speaking with you if you contact us
  • • To help us determine or verify account ownership
  • • To comply with legal requirements
  • • To provide tax documentation

  • We also work with companies that provide us with information about merchants or prospective merchants, where permitted by law (for example, to protect against fraud or if we are engaged in marketing activities).

When and why we share your information with others

  • In order to better help and support your business, we work with a variety of companies to provide a range of services to support your business. We sometimes share personal information with them to help us provide you with Shoplazza services.
  • We also share your personal information with others:
    • • to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, illegal activity, or violations of a contract (like our Terms of Service) or our policies (like our Acceptable Use Policy)
    • • to help us conduct marketing and advertising
    • • to provide you with customer support 
    • • to comply with legal requirements, or to respond to court orders, or other similar government demands
    • • if we merge with or are acquired by another company
  • Additionally, almost every merchant using the Shoplazza platform also uses non-Shoplazza services to support their business (for example, apps from our app store, sales channels, payment gateways, or shipping providers).
  • Shoplazza doesn’t control how these services use your personal information, and you should review any other service you use to make sure it meets your privacy expectations. When you choose to use non-Shoplazza services, we will tell you what information we will share with that service at your direction, so you can decide whether you want to use the service. You can review what access any app has to your information or your store’s information on the “Apps → click three dots → about” page in the Shoplazza admin.

Your rights over your information

  1. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you may
    • • have the right to access or copy your personal information we maintain about you 
    • • transfer your personal information to the designated personal information processor
    • • request that we update or correct your inaccurate or incomplete personal information
    • • object or restrict to our use of your personal information
    • • request that we delete your personal information
    • • request that we provide a copy of your personal information
    • • request that we explain the personal information processing rules
  2. For any rights you are not able to exercise directly within the Shoplazza admin, please submit a data subject request through our online portal. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to exercise any of your rights above. 
  3. Because we need your personal information to provide Shoplazza services, we generally keep your personal information while you use Shoplazza products or services. If you close your store, you stop paying your subscription fees, or we terminate your account, we retain store information for three years before we begin the personal information purge process, after which we will delete or anonymize your store information unless otherwise stipulated by special legal requirements. We don’t do this immediately in case you reactivate your account, or if there is a legal complaint or audit relating to your business. If you contact us to request deletion of your store’s information, we will begin the personal information purge process after 90 days, delete or anonymize your store information unless otherwise stipulated by special legal requirements. If you have questions about this process, please contact
  4. Finally, we do not and will not “sell” your personal information, as that term is used in California law.

Your customers’ information

  • In order to power your business, we collect and use personal information about your customers. In general, we only collect and use this personal information as directed by you, and as further described in our Data Processing Addendum. Legally speaking, we are a “data processor”, “service provider”, and the personal information commissioned party as these terms are used in European, California and China privacy law. We will never use your customers’ information to independently market or advertise to your customers unless they are also using one of our applications or services directly. We also do not and will not “sell” your customers’ information, as that term is used in California law.
  • Because you decide how the personal information of your customers will be used, you need to make sure your customers understand how you (and how we on your behalf) collect and process their personal information. You should do this by, at a minimum, posting a privacy policy on your store that describes the information you collect, how you use it, and who you share it with..
  • To help get you started with this, you can check out our privacy policy template through your Shoplazza admin. If you are collecting any “sensitive” personal information from your customers (for example, information about health, race, ethnicity, genetics, biometrics, trade union membership, political opinions, philosophical or religious beliefs, criminal history, or sexual interests), you should get the affirmative, express consent from your customers to use and process this information.

3. Information from customers

  • Shoplazza provides software used by our merchants to run their businesses. If you have visited or made a purchase from a merchant’s Shoplazza-powered store, we collect and use information about you on behalf of that particular merchant. We only use this information at the direction of our merchants—they ultimately choose how and why to use your information. If you have questions about how a specific merchant or store uses your information, please visit their privacy policy.

What information we collect about you and why

  • Please note that Shoplazza will never use your personal information to independently market or advertise to you, unless you are using one of our apps or services directly.

What we collect

         How we use it

Information you provide about yourself like your name, identification number, Tax ID, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, and payment information.

  • • To provide merchants with our services, and enable them to operate their business—e.g., to allow them to complete a transaction, screen orders for fraud and risk, fulfill orders, and contact you with new products or offers

Information about how you access our websites, your account, and our platform, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, and details about how you browse through our websites and platform. We collect some of this information by using “cookies” or other similar technologies directly from your device.

  • • To provide merchants with our services, and enable them to operate their business (e.g., to provide them with analytics about how many people visit their store, and to help them troubleshoot and improve their store)

When and why we share your information with others

  • We use service providers to help us provide services to our merchants. Outside of these service providers, we will only share your information if we are legally required to do so (for example, if we receive a legally binding court order or subpoena), or where a Shoplazza merchant instructs us to share information on their behalf. If you have questions about how a merchant or store shares your personal information, you should contact the merchant or visit their privacy policy.

Your rights over your information

  • When you visit or make a purchase from a merchant’s Shoplazza-powered store, the merchant you're visiting or buying from legally controls your information. As a result, Shoplazza doesn’t, for example, decide how long your information is retained because that decision is made by the merchant. This means Shoplazza can't help you access, correct, erase, or port your information without being directed to by the merchant. To make a request about your personal information, contact the specific merchant directly. If you make a request to us, we will forward your request to the relevant merchant and help them fulfill your request. If the merchant no longer exists, however, we may be able to assist you directly. We also do not and will not “sell”  customers’ information of merchants, as that term is used in California law.

4. Information from partners

If you participate in Partner Program (for example, by developing apps or themes for use by Shoplazza merchants, by serving as an affiliate that refers potential merchants to us, by helping merchants build or manage their stores, or by providing your service to help our merchants run their business through our Platform ), we collect and use your personal information to provide you with the use of our platform and its services, and generally to help you work with our merchants.

What information we collect about you and why

  • We collect the following personal information about you when you sign up as a Shoplazza partner or affiliate, or when you otherwise provide us with this information.

What we collect

How we use it

Information you provide about yourself and your business, like your name, company name, address, email address, and phone number.

  • • To provide you with the use of our platform and other related services (e.g., to confirm your identity, to contact you about issues with the platform, to invoice you)
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • • To comply with legal requirements

Payment information you provide, such as your credit or debit card number or your bank account number, or other financial information (such as your Paypal account).

  • • To process payments from you, or to remit payments to you

Information about how you access Shoplazza websites, your account, and our platform, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, communication with Merchants, and details about how you browse our websites and platform. We collect some of this information by using “cookies” or other similar technologies directly from your device.

  • • To provide you use of, and to improve, our platform and other related services (e.g., identifying ways to make our platform easier to use or navigate)
  • • To personalize the platform for you (e.g., by showing you apps in our app store that we believe may be useful to you)
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you

Copies you provide of government-issued identification you provide us. 

  • • If we need to verify your identity (e.g., to protect you against identity theft or fraud)
  • • To verify that we are speaking with you if you contact us
  • • To help us determine or verify account ownership
  • • To comply with legal requirements

When and why we share your information with others

  • We need to share your personal information with companies who help us provide you with our services,  and to connect you with merchants that we believe may be interested in your services. We also share your personal information with others:
    • • to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, illegal activity, or violations of a contract (like our Terms of Service) or our policies (like our Acceptable Use Policy)
    • • to help us conduct marketing and advertising
    • • to process payments from you, or to remit payments to you
    • • to comply with legal requirements, or to respond to court orders, subpoenas, warrants, or other similar government demands
    • • if we merge with or are acquired by another company

Your rights over your information

  • To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you may
    • have the right to access or copy your personal information we maintain about you 
    • transfer your personal information to the designated personal information processor
    • request that we update or correct your inaccurate or incomplete personal information
    • object or restrict to our use of your personal information
    • request that we delete your personal information
    • request that we provide a copy of your personal information
    • request that we explain the personal information processing rules
  • For any rights you are not able to exercise directly within the Shoplazza admin, please submit a data subject request through our online portal. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to exercise any of your rights above.
  • When you sign up for the partner program you remain in the program until you tell us otherwise. Please keep in mind that after we anonymize your personal information, we will continue to use non-identifiable information to improve our services.
  • Finally, we do not and will not “sell” your personal information, as that term is used in California law.

Merchants that use your services

  • Shoplazza Partners provide a range of critical services to our merchants. When merchants sign up to use your services (for example, when they install an app you have developed), we will provide you with their personal information on the merchant’s instructions. When we do this, we are acting on behalf of our merchants. It is your responsibility to protect our merchant’s personal information and process it safely and securely in accordance with applicable law, our Partner Program Agreement, API License & Acceptable Use Policy, any other terms governing other Shoplazza services you may use. Shoplazza also requires you to provide merchants with a clear and transparent privacy policy to help them understand your privacy practices, and how you use the personal information they provide you. If you develop an app that you would like to list on Shoplazza’s App Store, that app will also require a privacy policy before it could be listed. 

5. Information from Shoplazza website visitors and support users

If you visit one of Shoplazza’s websites or contact, we generally use your personal information to provide you with the specific service you are using. 

What information we collect about you and why

We collect the following personal information about you when you visit one of our websites or contact

What we collect

How we use it

Information you provide about yourself, like your name, address, email address, and phone number.

  • • To provide you use of, and to improve, the app or service you are trying to use (e.g., to confirm your identity, to contact you about issues with the platform, to invoice you)
  • • To verify that we are speaking with you
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • • To comply with legal requirements

Payment information you provide, such as your credit or debit card number or your bank account number.

  • • To enable you to make a payment

Information about how you access and use Shoplazza apps, websites, and other services, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, and details about how you browse through our apps and sites, including search terms you may enter. We collect some of this information by using “cookies” or other similar technologies directly from your device.

  • • To provide you use of, and to improve, our websites and related services (e.g., identifying ways to make our platform easier to use or navigate)
  • • To personalize your experience using our websites (e.g., by changing the layout of our webpages)
  • • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • • To provide app developers aggregated analytics relating to their app listing on Shoplazza's App Store

Copies of your government-issued identification.

  • • To verify that we are speaking with you if you contact us
  • • To comply with other legal requirements

When and why we share your information with others

  • We need to share your personal information with companies who help us provide you with our services. We also share your personal information with others:
    • • to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, illegal activity, or violations of a contract (like our Terms of Service) or our policies (like our Acceptable Use Policy)
    • • to help us conduct marketing and advertising
    • • to comply with legal requirements, or to respond to court orders, or other similar government demands
    • • if we merge with or are acquired by another company

Your rights over your information

  • To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you may
    • have the right to access or copy your personal information we maintain about you 
    • • transfer your personal information to the designated personal information processor 
    • • request that we update or correct your inaccurate or incomplete personal information
    • • object or restrict to our use of your personal information
    • • request that we delete your personal information
    • • request that we provide a copy of your personal information
    • • request that we explain the personal information processing rules
  • For any rights you are not able to exercise directly within the Shoplazza admin, please submit a data subject request through our online portalWe may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to exercise any of your rights above. 
  • We believe that you should have the right to access and control your own personal information, no matter where you live. We retain your personal information until you tell us to delete it.
  • Please keep in mind that after we anonymize your information, we will continue to use non-identifiable information to improve our services. Finally, we do not and will not “sell” your personal information, as that term is used in California law.

6. Where we send your information

If you are located in Canada, the United States, or EU (European Union member states), your personal information will be controlled and processed by our Canadian entity Shoplazza Corp.


If you are located in the Asia Pacific Region (including Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Singapore), and other regions not mentioned above, your personal information will be controlled and processed by our Hong Kong entity Shoplazza Hongkong Limited.


To operate our business, we may send your personal information outside of your state, province, country, or region, and your personal information may be sent to our service providers and affiliates in other jurisdictions, available at Shoplazza’s Subprocessors. This data may be subject to the laws of the countries or regions where we send it. When we send your information across borders, we take steps to protect your information, and we try to only send your information to countries that have strong data protection laws.

7. How we protect your information

Our teams work tirelessly to protect your information, and to ensure the security and integrity of our platform. We follow industry standards on information security management to safeguard sensitive information, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details and any other personal information entrusted to us. Our information security systems apply to people, processes and information technology systems on a risk management basis.

We perform annual audits to ensure our handling of your credit card information aligns with industry guidelines. We are certified as a PCI DSS Level 1 compliant service provider, which is the highest level of compliance available, and our platform is audited annually by a third-party qualified security assessor.

No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.

In the event of any actual or suspected breach or compromise of personal information (a "Data Breach"), we will provide notice by email, posting a notice in Shoplazza Admin or in the Partner Dashboard or any reasonably effective communication method in a timely manner, which contains information about: the basic situation and possible impact of the Data Breach, any reasonable actions have been taken or will be taken, any reasonable preventions to mitigate any future Data Breach risk, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. At the same time, we will report the Data Breach to the relevant regulatory authorities whereas it is required in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

8. Minors

Our services are not targeted to minors (those under the age of majority) and we do not intend to sell any of our services to minors. If a minor has provided us with Personal Data without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact to remove the information.

9. How we use “cookies” and other tracking technologies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies on our website and when providing our services. 

Opting out: You can opt out of targeted ads served via specific third party vendors by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Opt-Out page or the Network Advertising Initiative’s Opt-Out page.

10. For how long do we retain your personal information?

In general, we keep your personal information throughout your relationship with us. For different types of users (merchants, customers, partners, website visitors and support users), please refer to above specified sections.

In general, we delete or anonymize the personal information within 90 days after receiving a merchant, partner, website visitor or support user deletion request. We also delete or anonymize the personal information within 90 days after three years of inactivity of merchant stores.



11. How you can reach us

If you would like to ask about, make a request relating to, complain about how we process your personal information, please contact or mail us at one of the addresses below. If you would like to submit a legally binding request to demand someone else’s personal information (for example, if you have a subpoena or court order), please contact Shoplazza Legal.


If you are located in the United States, Canada and EU (European Union member states):

Shoplazza Corp.

ATTN: Legal Department


6th floor, 15 Allstate Parkway


ON L3R 5B4


If you are located in APAC, Middle East, Africa or other regions:

Shoplazza Hongkong Limited

ATTN: Legal Department

Unit 68, Level 24

Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue

Causeway Bay

Hong Kong SAR